Kent County Council (as the Council responsible for pathways) has formally given notice to the developers to return the land. Watch this space. This matter was further raised at Gravesham Joint Transport Board on Wednesday 10 March where we were informed that the police have been notified to enforce this breach in taking the public footpath.
I raised concerns that had been raised to me by residents, including, concern over the relocation of the community centre to the river front, concern over community engagement and involvement, concern over loss of the flint walls and other concerns. I welcomed the improved open space offer including the bridge which will allow for greater access to green space, I welcomed the community facilities and space of the play pitch. I challenged the developers to ensure where possible recruit locally and offer apprenticeships as well as engage the local community, which I am pleased to see includes a competition to design the new play park.
You can see my contribution here: (41 mins to 51mins in)
If there are other drop kerbs that could do with being lowered to promote greater accessibility please do contact me and I will ask for these to be considered.